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When two people get married, they often recite vows to one another, declaring their commitment to their union before family and friends. However, as years go by, life and marriage can become challenging. One way for couples to reaffirm their commitment to their partnership is by choosing to renew their marriage vows.

A vow renewal is an unofficial ceremony in which the couple is not bound to the traditions and expectations of a wedding. Instead, they’re free to create whatever type of ceremony they want, write their own vows, and even have a friend, family member, or child officiate.

Benefits of Renewing Your Marriage Vows 

Here is a look at some of the benefits of vow renewals:

Recommitting to the Marriage After Hard Times

Marriage is difficult. People’s preferences and plans change, or they grow apart. Perhaps one of the members of the partnership was even unfaithful. Thousands of marriages end in divorce every year in the US. Many marriages are able to remain intact after going through hardship, but the members of the marriage must work on rebuilding.

A renewal of marriage vows is often viewed as a public recommitment to marriage. It can represent a fresh start for the couple and reaffirm their commitment to remain together even in the hard times by choosing to renew vows.

Getting the Wedding You Wished You Had

Many people get married when they’re just starting out in life and haven’t had the opportunity to build a career and a savings account. Many others find themselves joining a blended family upon marriage and simply don’t have the finances or the time to put toward a big wedding. The religious or cultural expectations of the couple can also result in a wedding ceremony in which they have little opportunity to have a say.

**Regardless of the reason why your first wedding wasn’t what you wanted, a vow renewal ceremony is a second shot at the dream wedding you always envisioned. This time around, you’re older and have the resources to make it happen exactly like you want, whether it’s a grand ceremony or a more intimate affair. If you don’t want to wear a white dress or a tuxedo this time around, you’ll be glad to know that you don’t have to. If you don’t want to renew your vows in a church, you’re free to renew them anywhere. Renewing your vows can be even more meaningful than the original wedding ceremony, as you now have a

An Unforgettable Way to Celebrate a Milestone Anniversary

Maybe you and your spouse are going on 30 years of marriage, or even 40. Perhaps the vows you took years ago are not completely applicable to how your relationship has evolved. Perhaps you simply want to remind each other and all of your friends that you would do it all again.

While many couples struggle to decide which restaurant to eat at or what to buy for each other to celebrate the milestone, others take the notion of celebrating an anniversary to a whole new level by choosing to renew their wedding vows. Vow renewal ceremonies tend to be far more memorable than a bouquet of roses from the corner store or yet another heart-shaped necklace.

Involving Your Children in the Celebration

Often those who choose to renew their wedding vows as a married couple have children to consider as they plan their event. Whether those children were born into the union or the spouses have children from previous relationships, involving the kids in a vow renewal ceremony can make the experience even more intimate and memorable.

Your children can be incorporated into the ceremony in a number of ways. For example, many women will have their son or daughter walk them down the aisle. Children can also stand at their parents’ sides during the ceremony in the place of a wedding party.

When incorporating your children into your vow renewal planning, it is important to seek their input as to how they want to be involved. By involving your children in your vow renewal, you are providing them with the assurance that your marital bond is strong and they’re an important part of that bond.

Just as involving the children in a vow renewal is important to many couples, having other close family members or friends take part in the ceremony and celebration is another way to make the occasion memorable.

Need a Venue for Your Vow Renewal? Consider Windows on the Water in New Jersey

Location is an important part of the planning process for your vow renewal ceremony. If you’re looking for a venue that provides a beautiful backdrop to your ceremony and comes with an event package that includes catering, table decorations, and the option of having the event outdoors, consider Windows on the Water in New Jersey. Our 86-acre luxury resort is available for vow renewal ceremonies that can be held in a large outdoor tent by the lake.

Our event packages are designed to fit a variety of budgets and desires, and every package can be customized to further add a personal touch to your big day. Come take a tour and discuss the visions you have for your ceremony with one of our professional event planners. To schedule your appointment, call us at (609) 208-9475 or send us a message online.